I am an inconsistent artist that just make random stuff.


Artist/Unemployed :P


Joined on 4/24/21

Exp Points:
2 / 20
Exp Rank:
> 100,000
Vote Power:
1.10 votes
Global Rank:
> 100,000
B/P Bonus:

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Recent Game Medals

40 Points

Just like the game 25 Points

Funk on a Friday (real time)


Beat Week 1 in Story mode and unlock Week 2

Friday Night Funker 5 Points

Start the game

Latest Art

Available for Work

Commissions open!

  • Advance payment via PayPal is required.
  • Drawings are delivered approximately between 1 week to 1 month via email.
  • You can check if I have free slots or the status of the commisions HERE
  • Feel free to DM me if you're interested!



Q: What kind of things you can and can't do

YES: Human, kemono, animals, furry.

NO: Mecha, weird fetishes.

Q: I want to ask for a commision but the slots are full, can I ask for one anyways?

A: No, I don't have a lot of time, and taking more request would make the wait time last longer.

Q: There's one with an status of "delivered", does that means that the slot is now free?

A: Yes!

Q: How can I know if you're taking commisions?

A: Look at the status in my Twitter / X bio.

Q: How much do I need to wait to have my commision?

A: 1 week to 1 month is the usual time, max time is 2 to 3 months (The wait depends on your number on the list and the complexity of your request).

Q: Can I ask for a refund?

A: Refunds can only be accepted before the "lineart" status starts. If the sketch is done, the refund whould be just 80% of the original price.

Q: Can I have extra revissions of the drawing?

A: The minimun of revissions is 1 afther the sketch is done, if you want to have another revission of your request, you can:

  • Ask to see progress in the lineart to see if something doesn't translate the way you want.
  • Change a color if the one I choosed for certain part is not the one you want.

Q: Can I ask for a refund if the piece is finished?

A: No, since the job it's already done, you can't ask for a refund. That's why I offer multiple revissions if you're unsure.

Q: Can I use the drawing for commercial use?

A: No, if you are planning to sell anything with the drawing on it, I charge extra for the commercial use of the piece, so ask if you need it. You can only use this for:

  • Personal enjoyment.
  • Gift it to a friend.
  • Use it in thumbnails or in your videos in social media.
  • Edit the drawing in other images (example: in an image for a Twitch schedule for the week)
  • Profile picture.

Q: Can I claim the drawing as mine?

A: The drawing is yours, but please don't say that you did it, because is disrespectful. If someone ask for the artist, you can mention me or tag me!

Do you have a question that isn't here? you can ask directly to my DMs!
